Have you ever wonder if there is hybrid animal such as zorse? Well let me tell you that there is animal such as zorse, zorse is a mixed animal of a zebra and a horse combine together. You probably have seen the zorse in other different websites or maybe you have read about it, since this blog isn’t the first to post, but for some of you who are still want to know about hybrid animals then you came to the right page.
The picture on the top is a Zorse, her name is Eclyse, most of the zorse have stipes all over their bodies, but Eclyse only have two blocks of stripes- on her face and her hind quarters, as you seen on the picture above.
Zorse is a strong animal with traces from both of it parents, zorse are most likely a zebra for some several reason, but zorse are more horse like shape, mostly in the shoulder region, it make it easier to obtain harmness that fits correctly. Zebras are not usually very large, but they are Extremly strong and aggresive, zorses can be very difficult to handle since they also have strong temperament and if ther are not improprely rained Zorse can be aggressive towars other animals.
A zorse shows a little respect for its keeper if it is bottle fed, if a zorse can't get milk from it mother, the trainer feed them from a bucket, the training must begin within a few day of being born in order to be a docile animal.